The European Union Summary Report on Antimicrobial Resistance in zoonotic and indicator bacteria from humans, animals and food in 2018/2019
Keywords: antimicrobial resistance, zoonotic bacteria, indicator bacteria, ESBL, MRSA
“Climate change as a driver of emerging risks for food and feed safety, plant, animal health and nutritional quality”
CLEFSA project report. The online infosession participants discussed about area‐specific synergies and interactions with other projects/activities in the following fields: 1) contaminants,2) animal health,3) biological hazards to human health and 4) methodologies for emerging risks identification, characterisation and analysis.
Annual report of the EFSA Scientific Network of Risk Assessment of Nanotechnologies in Food and Feed for 2020
The annual reports of the Nano Network inform the public, stakeholders and research communities about the specific activities and achievements of the Nano Network.
The 2019 European Union report on pesticide residues in food
Keywords: pesticide residues, food safety, European Union, national monitoring programme, maximum residue levels, dietary exposure, risk assessment, acute, chronic
Guidance on the preparation and presentation of applications for exemption from mandatory labelling of food allergens and/or products thereof pursuant to Article 21 (2) of Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011
Keywords: food allergens, allergenicity, foodstuff, exemption, labelling, application, guidance document
Physicochemical characterization of nanoparticles in food additives in the context of risk identification
Keywords: food additives E 171, E 174, E 175; electron microscopy; single particle ICP-MS; physicochemical characterization; nanoparticles, particle size distribution
EFSA’s expertise supports One Health policy needs
Evolution of the One Health concept
Peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain IT‐45
Keywords: Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain IT‐45, peer review, risk assessment, pesticide, fungicide
The use of the so‐called ‘superchilling’ technique for the transport of fresh fishery products
Keywords: superchilling, transport, storage, fresh fishery products, biological hazards, freezing, HADH enzymatic test
Mapping the coordination and cooperation mechanisms of risk communication on feed/food safety in the EU
Keywords: risk communication mechanisms, coordination, cooperation, Transparency regulation
Technical assistance in the field of risk communication
Keywords: risk communication, risk perceptions, trust, audience analysis, risk profiling, misinformation, disinformation.
Catalogue of Communication Tools and Dissemination Guidelines: benchmarking current practice in EU and Member State bodies
The report sets out a broad overview of the current tools, their intended communication purposes, target audiences and it describes dissemination channels and methods to optimise outreach. The catalogue highlights that multimedia tools show relatively high impact scores and high mention rates by the respondents participating in the online survey. Editorial tools are still very important, especially to reach the media.
Guidance on date marking and related food information: part 2 (food information)
Keywords: date marking, food information, food storage, secondary shelf‐life, opened package, thawing, public health
La sperimentazione dell’efficacia delle Misure del Piano d’Azione Nazionale per l’uso sostenibile dei prodotti fitosanitari (PAN) per la tutela della biodiversità
Il rapporto ISPRA 330/2020 riporta i risultati della sperimentazione dell’efficacia delle misure previste dal Piano di Azione Nazionale per l’uso sostenibile dei prodotti fitosanitari (PAN – DM 22/1/2014 – punto A.5.8 – che attua la Dir. 2009/128/CE e il D.Lgs. 150/2012) volte alla tutela della biodiversità, da applicare in particolare in Siti Natura 2000 e in aree naturali protette.
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Funghi Comuni: Caratteristiche, Sosia e Aspetti Tossicologici
Il presente secondo Volume del Manuale “Funghi comuni: caratteristiche, sosia e aspetti tossicologici” raccoglie settanta articoli prodotti dal “Progetto Speciale Funghi” di ISPRA e pubblicati sulla rivista “AK Informa-Informazioni su clima, ambiente e società” 2017-18.
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Alimentazione e lavoro
Il factsheet riporta alcuni dati generali sul rapporto tra alimentazione e alcune malattie croniche non trasmissibili (cardiovascolari, dismetaboliche, tumori) dovute anche all’alimentazione scorretta.